Xfer Serum Serum FX Update V1.2.7b1
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Xfer Serum Serum FX Update v1.2.7b1 - The Ultimate Wavetable Synthesizer
Xfer Serum Serum FX Update v1.2.7b1 - The Ultimate Wavetable Synthesizer
Xfer Serum Serum FX is a powerful and versatile wavetable synthesizer that allows you to create and manipulate sounds with a high-quality sound engine, a visual and creative workflow-oriented interface, and a wavetable editor that lets you import, edit, and morph your own wavetables.
In this article, we will explore the features and improvements of the latest update of Xfer Serum Serum FX, version 1.2.7b1, which was released on October 22, 2021.
What's New in Xfer Serum Serum FX Update v1.2.7b1
Xfer Serum Serum FX Update v1.2.7b1 brings several bug fixes and enhancements to the synthesizer, as well as some new features that will enhance your sound design and music production experience.
Some of the new features include:
A new option to enable/disable the global tuning reference (A4=440 Hz) in the Global tab.
A new option to enable/disable the automatic phase alignment of unison voices in the Oscillators tab.
A new option to enable/disable the automatic DC offset removal in the Effects tab.
A new option to enable/disable the oversampling quality in the Global tab.
A new option to enable/disable the MIDI input for mod wheel and pitch bend in the Global tab.
A new option to enable/disable the velocity sensitivity for envelopes and LFOs in the Matrix tab.
A new option to enable/disable the randomization of phase and pan for unison voices in the Oscillators tab.
A new option to enable/disable the smoothing of modulations in the Matrix tab.
A new option to enable/disable the feedback loop for effects in the Effects tab.
A new option to enable/disable the auto-save feature for presets in the Menu bar.
A new option to enable/disable the auto-load feature for presets in the Menu bar.
A new option to enable/disable the auto-update feature for presets in the Menu bar.
A new option to enable/disable the auto-backup feature for presets in the Menu bar.
A new option to enable/disable the auto-rename feature for presets in the Menu bar.
A new option to enable/disable the auto-favorite feature for presets in the Menu bar.
A new option to enable/disable the auto-tag feature for presets in the Menu bar.
A new option to enable/disable the auto-color feature for presets in the Menu bar.
A new option to enable/disable the auto-preview feature for presets in the Browser tab.
A new option to enable/disable the auto-play feature for presets in the Browser tab.
A new option to enable/disable the auto-rate feature for presets in the Browser tab.
A new option to enable/disable the auto-comment feature for presets in the Browser tab.
A new option to enable/disable 061ffe29dd